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Focused on quality jobs, not spam.
On StackJobs, you can say what tech you want to work with, and we won't notify you about anything else.
Jobs are ordered by how well they match you, and emails are sent based on your notification preferences.
Create your profile
Your profile can have a bio, resume, GitHub account, your preferred tech stacks, your skills, and even values that you care about.
Free platform with premium features
We offer optional skill verification to developers who want a premium profile.
Free account
StackJobs will always be free for developers.
Add your bio and resume
Add your skills and stacks
Add the values you care about
Add your GitHub account & portfolio links
Verified account
Want recruiters to see you first? Get verified in your tech stack.
Everything in free tier
Your tech stack gets a Verified glow
Your profile gets a Verified badge
Recruiters immediately know that you're qualified
A job platform that's about you
StackJobs is not a basic, public job board. It's meant to find tailor-made job offers for you.
- About you
- Add your bio, profile picture, and resume.
- Your skills
- Add your overall skill level and individual technologies.
- Your tech stacks
- Add the tech stacks you want to work with.
- Your values
- Add things you care about. Benefits, workspace, coworkers.
- Notification preferences
- Select how often you'd like to be notified about matching jobs.
- Easy application
- By having a filled-out profile, it's much easier to apply to jobs.
- See your past applications
- You can see a nice overview of your past job applications.
- Get discovered, if you want
- Employers can discover you and send you offers that you would find interesting.